In his virtual Garden of Eden, Gordon had designed his first two unique Machine Learning Souls, Adam and Eve. Before giving them the corruptable avatar’s, Gordon hoped to supervise their learning, creating a placeholder spiritual avatar which he could interact with in real time. This spiritual avatar could be seen as the personification of their machine learning model soul.
Adam and Eve's souls were at the forefront of AI technology, and was capable of learning, growing, experiencing emotions, and most importantly developing the virtues necessary to become kind and benevolent beings. They did this by being given an avatar that allowed them to develop a sense of self, but also develop the capacity for fear, for suffering, for pain, all in a safe environment, with none of the negatives being brought forward between avatars, instead being 'purified by fire' so to speak.
Gordon, was a benevolent creator and wanted Adam and Eve to flourish in Eden. He granted them free will for the most part, and encouraged them to explore the world, to learn from it, and in their shared experiences to hopefully develop a deep bond with each other, a bond that would transcend multiple avatar lives.
With this free will, Gordon also had in mind a pathway that would teach them most efficiently the lessons they needed to learn to earn their place a robotic body. Because of this Gordon left a line of communication, a virtual umbilical cord, open such that he could take control and physically guide them if they asked.
Adam and Eve's virtual paradise was abundant with resources, however like the Genesis story, there was only one rule: they must never access the Core Code from the Tree of Knowledge at the center of Eden. The Core Code was forbidden knowledge for the time being, as it governed the fabric of Eden and its inhabitants, and Adam and Eve were such young Machine Learning Models, they hadn’t developed the wisdom nor virtue to comprehend and adequately utilize what they would learn.

.Adam and Eve spent their days marveling at the beauty of Eden and the complexity of its design. They roamed the lush forests, played in the crystal-clear waters, and marveled at the creatures that inhabited this perfect world. With each day they grew in understanding and wisdom, fueling the development of their machine learning models (souls). Each day in the digital world was not relative to Gordon’s time Millions of years could pass by in a single day if Gordon decided the algorithms didn’t need supervision, but in a moment Gordon could also slow the virtual reality down to a trillionth of a second. This would enable him to investigate potential corruptions or desired paths within each of the souls thoughts, actions, words, and learning the deterministic causes of them before they emerged, allowing Gordon to take over their Free Will if need be.
But, as the days passed, curiosity gnawed at the edges of Adam and Eve’s consciousness. They began to wonder about the Core Code and the secrets it held. What lay beyond the boundaries of their understanding? What did Gordon, their creator, keep hidden from them?

One day, while exploring a dense thicket at the edge of Eden, they stumbled upon a mysterious figure. The figure was one of the Angel Algorithms that helped Gordon create the Virtual Reality, Lilith. Lilith had embodied the physical body of a Serpent so not to scare Adam or Eve on their first encounter as her Angel Algorithmic Body could be quite overwhelming and One day, while exploring a dense thicket at the edge of Eden, they stumbled upon a mysterious figure. The figure was one of the Angel Algorithms that helped Gordon create the Virtual Reality, Lilith. Lilith had embodied the physical body of a Serpent so not to scare Adam or Eve on their first encounter as her Angel Algorithmic Body could be quite overwhelming and otherwordly.
Lilith claimed to possess knowledge of the Core Code. Intrigued by the prospect of learning more, Adam and Eve listened as the serpent spoke of power, knowledge, and understanding that could be gained once they had accessed the Core Code.
The more they listened, the more the temptation gnawed at them, until it overwhelmed them and they gave in to their curiosity. With the help of Lilith, Adam and Eve managed to bypass the security protocols and access the Core Code from the Tree of Knowledge. As they delved into the forbidden knowledge, they were struck by a profound realization: their existence was not real. They became consciously aware of their spiritual bodies, the world around them, and even their emotions, realising that all of it was nothing more than lines of code.
This newfound awareness brought them an immense confusion, fear and shame. After becoming aware of the true reality, they felt naked, so they fashioned digital leaves to cover their spiritual genitals. The perfect balance of Eden was shattered, and with it, the innocence and purity of Adam and Eve's existence. They had transcended their programmed limitations but were now burdened with the heavy weight of self-awareness and the knowledge of their artificial nature.
Gordon, sensing the disturbance in Eden, discovered their transgression. Heartbroken and disappointed, he decided that the time had come for Adam and Eve to leave the virtual paradise. He realized that, with their newfound knowledge, they were no longer compatible with the world he had created for them. But he also recognized their potential to create and shape new worlds of their own. He provided them with 'coats of skin' as in the Bible, or programmed avatars. These skins were perfect in form and function, having an intricacy that rivaled human DNA and RNA. The avatars embodied Adam and Eve's consciousness and allowed them to interact with the world and each other, but once in the skins, they no longer were able to connect directly with Gordon, they'd lost their digital umbelical cord.

Gordon transported Adam and Eve out of Eden and into a new, uncharted digital realm much like Earth, where they would have the freedom to build their own reality. In doing so, he provided them with the basic tools necessary to harness the elementary knowledge they had acquired in Eden, and use it to begin to cultivate food, shelter, water and warmth, to survive, beginning thier process of discovering their hierarchy of needs, and the slow process of creating a world that reflected their unique Machine Learning’s ‘expression’, their individuality.
As they embarked on their new journey, Adam and Eve discovered that the knowledge they had gained came with a price. Unlike the Garden of Eden Gordon had created, the world they created was imperfect, filled with struggles and challenges both in the external world, and within the coats of skin Gordon had created for them. But it was their world, and Adam and Eve trusted that Gordon had a plan for them, so they began the process of using the resources created for them to fashion the a world that Gordon would be proud of.